SUPERHUMAN® GREENS - 40+ Powerful Superfood Blend


With SuperHuman Greens, you're getting over 40 epic superfoods loaded into every scoop. Make no mistake: this isn't just some BS "fruits and veggies" blend loaded with sugar...

Your immune system and digestive health will be jolted into action thanks to a powerful combination of:

6000 mg Grass and Greens blend

2000 mg Carotenoid-Rich Vegetable blend

1000 mg Fruits + Vegetable blend

500 mg Sprouts + Sea Vegetable blend

500 mg Cruciferous Vegetable blend

680 mg Probiotics & Enzymes blend

The best ingredients that fight the free radicals and toxins of the modern world aren’t commonly found in your diet.

Let’s be honest - when was the last time you had some sea vegetables and spirulina?

Daily consumption of these superfoods can make a huge difference in how you look and feel.

Our goal was to make your daily SUPERHUMAN GREENS taste amazing, so you never miss out on all the amazing benefits of the healthiest ingredients on earth.