Alpha Lion SUPERHUMAN Protein


Superhuman Protein by Alpha Lion is a pure Whey Isolate protein and is ideal for a post-workout protein or anytime throughout the day as a delicious snack to ensure protein needs are met. So what separates Superhuman Protein from all the other whey protein supplements on the market? On top of providing 25 grams of high quality un-denatured whey isolate per serving, Superhuman Protein has a clinical dose of Velositol at 2000mg dramatically increases protein synthesis and also increases insulin response to the higher range of normal. This increase enhances amino acid intake into muscle and initiates muscle protein synthesis. Superhuman Protein also contains Aminogen, a patented blend of digestive protease enzymes designed to improve protein digestion and increase amino acid levels absorbed from dietary protein. On top of a quality, fast-digesting, lactose-free form of whey, you're key muscle-building facilitators, the stuff you need to ensure all 25 grams of protein is being put to maximum use!